Re: Capital Sharp S in the News

From: Johannes Rössel (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2008 - 01:58:30 CDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Capital Sharp S in the News"

    Michael Everson wrote:
    > At 20:02 -0700 2008-06-30, Mark Davis wrote:
    >> It is *not* a matter of stability; it is a matter of correctness. The
    >> correct outcome is "SS".
    >> Mark
    > That's a matter of opinion, of course.
    > Since German orthographic reform has made <Maße> ['ma:s@] 'measures'
    > distinct in spelling from <Masse> ['mas@] 'mass'

    This must date back to at least the 1901 reform. The 1996 reform didn't
    change that, it was already that way.

    > it is easily arguable that abolishing this distinction in all caps as
    > <MASSE> for both is an error, and that <MAßE> (with capital ß) is in
    > fact "correct". That's a linguistic distinction, properly maintained
    > in orthography with the new character.

    You can, however, use SZ as capital variant of ß to clarify the original
    spelling. Interestingly enough, back in 1929 this was actually a rule,
    ot an option: »So heißt es noch in der 10. Aufl. des Dudens 1929: "Für ß
    wird in großer Schrift SZ angewandt"; später galt /SZ/ nur noch als
    Möglichkeit neben /SS/, um Verwechslungen in Fällen wie /MASZE - MASSE/
    zu vermeiden.« [de.wikipedia].

    I've never seen it used, though. I've seen a (non-capital) ß used in
    words in all caps more often.


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