Re: Proposal to change the script allocation rules for the BMP and SMP

From: Karl Pentzlin (
Date: Wed Oct 29 2008 - 13:56:28 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: Proposal to change the script allocation rules for the BMP and SMP"

    Am Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2008 um 10:06 schrieb ich:

    KP> It also applies to the "Pollard" or "Miao" script for which preliminary
    KP> proposals are pending, which anyway is a little bit too large to fit
    KP> into the largest free gap (12 columns) in the BMP ...

    which maybe is wrong.
    I referred to the "Pollard Phonetic - Draft by Michael Everson" of
    2007-05-14, which is clickable under 16F00 "Pollard" at the SMP roadmap
    of 2008-10-17 on the Unicode internet site, which occupies 16 columns.

    However, the most recent preliminary proposal regarding Pollard/Miao occupies only 10
    columns (or even 9 if the gaps are squeezed out).

    - Karl Pentzlin

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