From: =?utf-8?Q?António MARTINS-Tuválkin?= (
Date: Wed Nov 05 2008 - 03:31:31 CST
On 2008.11.04, 20:42, Benjamin M Scarborough
<> wrote:
> I would think that <c, U+0313, U+0301> or <g, U+0313, U+0301> would
> give you the diacritic you want, but I haven't heard of any
> side-by-side diacritic positioning rules described for Latin, so it may
> render as an acute _above_ a comma, and I'm sure that isn't what you're
> looking for.
What about U+0063 U+0301 U+031B? Character U+031B COMBINING HORN has
combining class 216 [Above right attached].
-- António MARTINS-Tuválkin ____. <> | ()| Não me invejo de quem tem |####| PT-1500-111 LISBOA carros, parelhas e montes | +351 934 821 700, +351 217 150 939 só me invejo de quem bebe | ICQ:193279138 a água em todas as fontes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- De sable uma fonte e bordadura escaqueada de jalde e goles, por timbre a bandeira, por mote o 3º verso acima, e por grito de guerra "Mi rajtas!". -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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