Re: Does OpenOffice 3.0 handle unicode?

From: Adam Twardoch (
Date: Mon Mar 23 2009 - 09:11:40 CST

  • Next message: Roozbeh Pournader: "Re: Does OpenOffice 3.0 handle unicode?"

    I shall add, however, that OpenOffice 3.0 on my Mac OS X does not at all
    support PostScript-flavored OpenType fonts. This can hardly be called a
    system-specific issue because Mac OS X handles (renders) all OpenType
    fonts natively, even though it (Mac OS X) does not render OpenType
    Layout for complex scripts. Last time I checked, OpenOffice did not
    support any OpenType PS (.otf) fonts on Windows either.

    This is certainly an issue directly related to Unicode support since the
    vast majority of Unicode fonts released these days commercially are
    OpenType PS fonts.


    Adam Twardoch
    | Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
    | | |
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