RE: Aramaic revival

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Apr 16 2009 - 01:43:18 CDT

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    Michael Everson
    > Good thing we encoded Imperial Aramaic... :-)

    Well, it does not seem to exist any relation within this rticle with the
    Imperial Aramaic script; it speaks about the Aramaic language instead (and
    its two variants found in 3 villages of Syria), but not much about how it is
    written. It also speaks bout the fact that some people spoke the language
    without knowing how to write it (so they may write it using the Arabic
    script they know and teach to their children, along with the Arabic language
    itself), and the fact that it was even forbidden to speak it in the past.

    The mission of the created institute is not decribed enough to indicate if
    the language now taught there will effectively use an "Aramaic" script
    (which one ?) when it is still considered there as some form of the Hebrew
    script, and the danger of exposing these areas to Israel revendications
    about Hebrew settlements. The photo illustrating the article is not really
    decisive, as it is a stone in a museum, and even looks like the usual Hebrew
    script in its square form.

    I've seen nothing there related to the Imperial Aramaic script in Unicode,
    or the Unicode constribution to save the endangered language or help writing
    it. Are you speaking about some extensions (or conventions of usage, on top
    of the orthographic conventions) for the basic Hebrew, or Syriac, or Arabic
    scripts (or even the Greek script) as they are encoded in Unicode to support
    this language?

    Does it help to give access to numerized ressources on computers in that
    Syrian intitute, rather than on old, rare, fragile and expensive books? How
    does this help the remaining people speaking the language but don't know how
    to write it?

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