Submitting Proposals (was: Re: Proposal to include CE Mark)

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Fri May 08 2009 - 22:26:18 CDT

  • Next message: Erkki I. Kolehmainen: "RE: Submitting Proposals (was: Re: Proposal to include CE Mark)"

    Kenneth Whistler wrote:

    > Albrecht Dreiheller wrote:

    >> I hereby propose to include the CE-Mark in the Unicode standard.

    > As John Jenkins indicated, the performative verb there is somewhat
    > anachronistic ("I hereby propose..."). You can propose encoding
    > a character to this list, but that doesn't actually accomplish
    > the introduction of a formal proposal that would be acted on
    > by the UTC and WG2. For that, you need to write up a proposal,
    > attach the Summary Proposal Form, and submit it to the UTC for
    > consideration (and later also WG2).


    Do proposals now need to be submitted to the UTC for consideration
    before they are submitted to WG2??

    If so, I find this problematic. One problem is that UTC documents are
    not publicly available the way that WG2 are.

    - Chris

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