From: David Starner (
Date: Wed May 13 2009 - 10:14:15 CDT
2009/5/13 André Szabolcs Szelp <>:
> It's not a property of the script, but rather those of words in a language.
> Because English expresses most grammatical relations by individual
> words/particles (e.g. prepositions) and word order, leaving whitespace
> intact can keep a text readable even with mixed letters.
> huamn for human is identifiable. krázlesttozóótágásl for elzárkózottságától
> ('because of him being introvert') is not.
I'm not going to argue the general statement, but I don't think these
are comparable. ahmnu for human is not identifiable, and one of the
issues expressed even in English about creating these is that letters
don't move too far away from their original location. Are you saying
that krázlesttozótóágásl, the same swap of two adjacent characters
done to huamn, is not identifiable? One swap for every six letters
would be harder, but I think it would be a lot harder in English if
you were using 25 letter words.
I think your claim about grammatical relationships being the
determining factor is untested and unproven; even if there is a
difference, simple word length might very well be a dominant factor.
-- Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.
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