Re: Is Windows 7 Notepad broken?

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Tue Jun 23 2009 - 05:55:34 CDT

  • Next message: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Is Windows 7 Notepad broken?"

    Andrew West wrote:

    > 2009/6/23 Christopher Fynn <>:
    >> Notepad has code so that text in different scripts is gets displayed in the
    >> default / system font for that script. If there is no default font for that
    >> script what does it use?

    > Well, I would have hoped that it would use the font that I configured
    > it to use from the "Format > Font..." menu. If Bob configured Notepad
    > to use his Unicode Hieroglyph font then I don't see any reason why it
    > would not display Unicode 5.2 hieroglyphic text correctly.

    But by default Notepad uses e.g. Mangal for Devanagri, Latha for Tamil,
    and Microsoft Himalaya for Tibetan i.e. different fonts for each script
      and the same as the system fonts for those scripts ~ If the user
    specifies a font it can of course override this, but there is only the
    facility to specify a single font.

    I wish I knew how to change the default fonts which Notepad selects for
    each script.

    A font not displaying correctly could perhaps be down to something like
    the Unicode range bits in the font not being set correctly (not sure
    what they are for Egyptian Heiroglyphs anyway).

    - Chris

    > Andrew

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