Re: [Unicode Announcement] Draft code charts for Unicode 5.2 beta review

From: Charlie Ruland (
Date: Thu Jul 02 2009 - 13:22:49 CDT

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: [Unicode Announcement] Draft code charts for Unicode 5.2 beta review"

    The draft Han code charts for Unicode 5.2 beta at
    still don’t show glyphs for the North Korean standard (i.e.,
    corresponding to the IRG “KP” source mappings given, there are blanks
    instead of visible glyphs).

    1. Why is that so?
    2. Is there a chance that these will be added soon?
    3. When?


    ***** Original Message/原始郵件 *****
    Subject/主旨: [Unicode Announcement] Draft code charts for Unicode 5.2
    beta review
    Date/日期: Thu Jul 02 2009 01:46:27 GMT+0200
    > Draft code charts are now available for the Unicode 5.2 beta review.
    > Please check the code charts carefully to verify correctness of the new
    > characters added to Unicode 5.2 and to ensure that there are no
    > regressions for previously encoded characters. The draft code charts
    > are located in:
    > or
    > The Unicode Consortium appreciates the help provided by its many volunteers
    > who help in ensuring the best possible quality for the published code charts
    > for the Unicode Standard.
    > For further information about the beta, please see the beta page
    > and the associated
    > Public Review Issues page:
    > ----
    > All of the Unicode Consortium lists are strictly opt-in lists for members
    > or interested users of our standards. We make every effort to remove
    > users who do not wish to receive e-mail from us. To see why you are getting
    > this mail and how to remove yourself from our lists if you want, please
    > see

    ☺ Charlie Ruland ☺ 冉書慧 ☺
    ☺〔查理〕☺ चार्ली ☺ Чарли ☺ تشارلي ☺
    ☺ チャーリー ☺ 찰리 ☺ Τσάρλι ☺ צ׳ארלי ☺

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