Re: North Korean fonts

From: Tom (
Date: Thu Jul 02 2009 - 17:48:25 CDT

  • Next message: Robert Abel: "Re: North Korean fonts"

    On 2 Jul 2009, at 23:06, William J Poser wrote:

    > North Korea would probably provide fonts if someone
    > of sufficient authority saw an advantage to it. The question is
    > what would interest them that is on the one hand affordable and
    > on the other hand could be legally and ethically provided.

    It seems that the Korea Computer Centre has developed an input method
    editor which apparently ships with "300 kinds of Korean font".

    Maybe it's just me, but that figure sounds somewhat exaggerated.
    Anyway, the point is that the North Koreans may be willing to make the
    fonts available if someone took an interest in their IME.

    Here's a link to the brochure:
    An Apple a day keeps Microsoft away

    Second Lt. Applemeister of the 68k Macintosh Liberation Army

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