From: Christoph Burgmer (
Date: Mon Jul 13 2009 - 16:22:41 CDT
Am Montag, 13. Juli 2009 schrieben Sie:
> >>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Burgmer <> writes:
> Christoph> the optional tone is more rendered like a small Latin O, less
> Christoph> roundish and with stronger sides
> Less roundish with stronger sides makes it sound more like a zero than
> like an oh. Given that and George Gerrity’s followup¹ in this thread,
> it is likely that U+2080 SUBSCRIPT ZERO »₀« is what you want. (Are
> SUBSCRIPT ONE through SUBSCRIPE FOUR »₁₂₃₄« used for the other tones?
> If so, that would be even more evidence for »₀«.)
No, GR uses implicit rendering by changing the base syllable.
While Mandarin tones are uniquely named 1-4, the neutral tone is special,
mostly though named "fifth". And as Chao devides between .geh and "₀geh", I
don't think that Zero is a good explanation, as this should be attributed to
.geh which _is_ the neutral tone, while the optional indicates either neutral
or the original/ethymological (i.e. 1-4).
This doesn't touch the glyph argument though.
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