From: Robert Abel (
Date: Wed Jul 22 2009 - 18:03:49 CDT
I was actually post exactly the same thing, however the original author
is German going by his Email address... I thought that telling him how
it is a) a weird translation and b) very ugly to abbreviate hyphenated
compound words too often in a program would be kinda pointless because
he probably knew as much before...
André Szabolcs Szelp schrieb:
> Hello,
> While your point might be valid in a number of cases, the very example
> you bring seems somewhat strained. Is it indeed the term you want to
> use in your UI? It would probably confuse your users more than not.
> "Nick(name)", as used in the web alias sense is never ever rendered as
> "Spitzname" in German. "Spitzname" is only used for the informal use
> of a name in real life, not "nicks" of the virtual world.
> Also, while not knowing your planned application, "nickname password"
> seems overspecified, as there will be seldom more than one password
> involved within one context/view of the app/UI, so "password" alone
> should suffice usually.
> -Sz
> 2009/7/22 Alexander Kempgen < <>>
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there are format characters or other ways to
> mark parts of a word or words, that can automatically be
> shortened, if the text has to fit in a smaller space when
> displayed in a software application.
> Example:
> I'm currently working on the German localization of an iPhone
> application which can be used in portrait and landscape mode, the
> latter offering more horizontal space for longer single line
> strings in the gui.
> An example string for this is "Spitznamen-Kennwort" (nickname
> password).
> While this fits nicely in landscape, it does not fit in portrait
> mode and the system will automatically shorten it to
> "Spitznamen…", which leaves out important information.
> The abbreviation i would like to use in portrait is "Spitzn.-Kennw.".
> So my question is, is there a way to mark the long word like
> "Spitzn(amen/.)-Kennw(ort/.)" so the system will know where to
> shorten it in order to create a meaning preserving abbreviation?
> Or is this out of the scope of Unicode?
> Thanks,
> Alexander Kempgen
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