Re: Greek characters in IPA usage

From: Julian Bradfield (
Date: Fri Aug 14 2009 - 10:22:03 CDT

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Support of U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN in current software"

    Don't forget there's chi, as well as beta and theta.

    As a hard-core IPAist, who type my phonological papers in a text
    editor using a single Unicode font (the necessary font switches for
    print being LaTeX markup), I would naturally prefer to have separate
    characters for IPA chi, beta, theta.

    However, I do have some qualms about this: why do I not also need a
    separate ipa "a" - I might be using a font in which the normal "a" is
    actually ɑ-shaped! Indeed, really I would like separate codepoints for
    all IPA letters - but we know that would fail dismally in practice,
    even had it been implemented from the start.

    Given the situation as it is, I support the idea of variation selectors.

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