Confusion about weak and strong disunification

From: Shriramana Sharma (
Date: Sun Aug 16 2009 - 07:18:41 CDT

  • Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Support of U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN in current software"

    Hello. I am new to the Unicode list. Please be patient. I promise to do
    my homework by googling at least once before asking questions here.

    This is with reference to the following text from the P&P document N3452.

    <quote>A strong case of disunification occurs where there is prevalent
    practice of using the existing character. A weak case of disunification
    occurs where there is little or no use of the existing character for the
    purpose for which the new character is intended.

    Example: Adding a period in a new script is a weak disunification if we
    assume that nobody has an existing implementation of that script using
    the regular period. Adding a clone of a Latin letter for use with
    Cyrillic script is a strong disunification as mixed Latin/Cyrillic
    character sets exist and have been used for encoding the languages that
    the new characters are intended for.</quote>

    I would like to know what exactly the adjectives "strong" and "weak" are
    supposed to mean. Does "strong case" means that the case is highly
    supportive of disunification or that strong reasons need to be supplied
    before the disunification is accepted? Similarly for "weak case".

    What does "existing implementation" in the first sentence of the example
    paragraph mean? And please clarify for me the Cyrillic example with
    reference to the case of 0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A and 0430 CYRILLIC

    With many thanks in advance,

    Shriramana Sharma.

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