From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Feb 27 2010 - 16:55:17 CST
Eric Muller wrote:
> As you probably know, language names are a tricky issue. The goal of
> the project is not to sort out that issue, so we use exclusively the
> Ethnologue primary language names. I added the following to the page
> discussing language identification:
> We use only the Ethnologue primary language names, may be followed by
> a qualifier in parenthesis: for example “Akan (Akuapem)”.
> We do not provide an exhaustive index by alternate language names. For
> example, the Ethnologue uses "Gaelic, Irish" as the primary language
> name and provides "Irish", "Erse", "Gaeilge" as alternate names. In
> our index, the Irish translation will be found only under "Gaelic,
> Irish". If you have difficulty finding a translation by language name,
> you may want to use the Ethnologue to determine the primary language
> name.
For reference, ISO 639-3 -- largely an SIL project, like Ethnologue --
calls this language "Irish." The IANA Language Subtag Registry uses ISO
639-3 names.
-- Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14 | ietf-languages @
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