Hivemind request for decyphering old English

From: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2010 - 05:39:02 CST

  • Next message: verdy_p: "re: Hivemind request for decyphering old English"

    "What is believed to be the first ever example of English written in a
    British church has been discovered. Problem is, no-one can read it.

    The 500-year-old inscription was found on a wall in Salisbury Cathedral,
    Wiltshire, hidden behind a monument dedicated to an aristocrat."

    Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)> / asmodai
    イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン | | GPG: 2EAC625B
    When people show anger and malice, listen for truth in the message,
    ignoring the way it was said...

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