From: William_J_G Overington (
Date: Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:27:28 CDT
Thank you for your reply.
On Wednesday 30 June 2010, Kenneth Whistler <> wrote:
> Yes. Please see:
> > Will a person seeking to translate from the Private Use Area codes of present day mobile telephones to Unicode using the Unicode Standard version 6.0 documents alone be able to find easily how he or she should translate the yacht symbol of the mobile telephone, bearing in mind that he or she may not be familiar with the term SAILBOAT for a yacht or a sailing dinghy?
> From the above data file:
> 26F5;F947;F68D;F95C
> --Ken
I have looked at this and I also found the following page.
Whilst recognising that I am not working with mobile telephone equipment and I do not at the present time understand the Shift JIS system I am puzzled as to how a person seeking to translate from the Private Use Area codes of present day mobile telephones to Unicode could use the information quoted to carry out that task.
In the document, on page 11 there is reference to U+E6A3, U+E4B4 and U+E01C.
Given that one knows one of those Private Use Area characters, how does one find, using Unicode 6 documents only, that U+26F5 is the correct regular Unicode character to use?
For example, given a WordPad Unicode Text File containing regular Unicode encoded text and Unicode Private Use Area encoded emoji from a known type of moble telephone, how could one find the translation data so as to be able to program a software module that would perform a "Private Use Area used within a known agreement input, Regular Unicode output" transformation of the data in the file?
I accept that I am not involved with mobile telephone technology and that my knowledge of Shift JIS is little more than having read the name, yet it seems to me that a scenario of a person in that situation trying to program the software module suggested in the example in the previous paragraph of this post is a not unrealistic possibility in the future if he or she is seeking to archive text messages received from a mobile telephone onto a regular Unicode encoded computer system.
William Overington
1 July 2010
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