From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Jul 15 2010 - 07:43:38 CDT
On 15 Jul 2010, at 13:16, Michael S. Kaplan wrote:
> Um, no more unfriendly than the critical comment you made about the designs of the five finalists that I also quoted, where you said
> "I don't know if this is a joke or not, but none of those five is any good."
That was an opinion on the design of those particular drawings. As it happens, a good many typographers, and Indians on varis fora, happen to agree.
> I was just pointing out that you did not care for the five finalists' work, but one of them is walking home with the Rupees for the design that wasn't very good.
The final design chosen is NOT one of the five listed. Please see and you will be able to see this for yourself.
> Your words were techncially more insulting than mine, I was just observing fianancial truths without judgment.
I disagree, Mr Kaplan. It is one thing to say that one does not like the designs drawn by competitors in a contest. Evidently there were thousands of designs submitted, so many of them may have been similarly unsuitable.
It is quite another thing to put words in my mouth, as you have done in your blog. You were wrong in making a statement about what I think, and in particular your tag ", not him" has caused offence.
Michael Everson *
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