Re: Bengali Script

From: Tulasi (
Date: Fri Jul 16 2010 - 16:43:47 CDT

  • Next message: Arno Schmitt: "Re[2]: Arab Ma[r]ks"

    > I work with the Bangla Academy (note the work Bangla in the English
    > name of the academy), the Ministry of information Teachnology,
    > the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education.

    Javier can certainly help us get a copy of JPG images of list of all
    letters/symbols including cascaded conjuncts as per Government of
    Bangladesh (GOB) standard.

    So Javier, can you help get a copy?

    We are fortunate to have someone like him on board who worked with
    Ministry of Education and Office of the Prime Minister.

    I have written to Prof Pandey, a knowledgeable Bengali.
    I found his work while googling

    Any comment on his work?

    I can post to the group if JPG image I am expecting from Prof Pandey
    is less than 50K :-')


    From: Javier Sola <>
    Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 14:53:40 +0700
    Subject: Re: Bengali Script

    I have been doing localization of software to Bangla for several years.
    I work with the Bangla Academy (note the work Bangla in the English name
    of the academy), the Ministry of information Teachnology, the Office of
    the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Education. Among other things we
    are working on the standardization of computer language in Bangla.

    ----> teamed off <----


    From: Tulasi <>
    Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 00:55:40 -0700
    Subject: Re: Bengali Script
    Cc: Tulasi <>

    Hi Prof Pandey:

    I have got your email ID through Internet where I have learned that
    you are conducting research on Bengali Script
    < >


    On this script, currently there is a discussion going on in Unicode forum.

    I have learned that West Bengal Government (WBG) has a standard on this script.

    Can you please email a JPG image with list of all letters/symbols
    including cascaded conjuncts that are found in WBG standard?

    Thank you!


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