From: Apostolos Syropoulos (
Date: Mon Jul 19 2010 - 14:09:10 CDT
Στις 19 Ιουλίου 2010 2:29 μ.μ., ο χρήστης Αλέξανδρος Διαμαντίδης <> έγραψε:
> .
> Nobody's currently using this character in digital text, of course, but
> maybe if the Greek economy collapses and we re-introduce the drachma,
> it'll see some use. The Greek Ministry of Finance could then organize a
> contest to select the official new drachma sign... It'll be fun! Please
> find attached my idea for a submission to any potential future contests.
And if the world economy will collapse we will stop using computers so
will be useless. But of course we cannot live with speculations!
-- Apostolos Syropoulos Xanthi, GREECE
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