Date: Sat Jul 24 2010 - 08:47:42 CDT
Guys, does nobody read the bloody Standard anymore!?
You CAN currently add a diacritic on top of a double diacritic. The "other"
base character is called the Combining Grapheme Joiner (U+304F).
From V. 5.0, ch 7.9:
Occasionally one runs across orthographic conventions that use a dot, an acute
accent, or other simple diacritic above a ligature tie - that is, U+0361
Combining Double Inverted Breve. Because of the considerations of canonical
ordering [...], one cannot represent such text simply by putting a combining
dot above or combining acute directly after U+0361 in the text. Instead, the
recommended way of representing such text is to place U+034F Combining Grapheme
Joiner (CGJ) between the ligature tie and the combining mark that follows it, as
0075 + 0361 + 034F + 0301 + 0069 .
Because CGJ has a combining class of zero, it blocks reordering of the double
diacritic to follow the second combining mark in canonical order. The sequence
of <CGJ, acute> is then rendered with default stacking, placing it centered
above the ligature tie. This conventiona can be used to create similar effects
with combining marks above other double diacritics (or below double diacritics
that render below base characters).
"Philippe Verdy" wrote:
First encode each base (unjoined) extended grapheme clusters
separately (possibly with their own diacritics or extenders or
prependers, including ZWJ and ZWNJ, according to their definition in
the UAX defining text segmentations).
Then encode the double diacritic between them.
So for your examples you get <006F, 035D, 006F> (double breve) or
<006F, 035D, 006F> (double macron).
Double diacritics have a combining property equal to zero, so they
block the reordering for canonical equivalences and the relative order
and independance for the encoding of base grapheme clusters will be
preserved during normalizations.
As a consequence, if there's another diacritic added on top of the
double diacritic, it can only be added at end of this sequence, but
the bad thing is that it will appear just after the encoding of the
second base grapheme cluster, and so it is subject to reordering, as
it will be interpreted as being part itself of the second grapheme
Currently you cannot add another diacritic on top of a double
diacritic, we lack something for blocking such interpretation in the
second cluster.
To do that, we would need another base character with combining
property 0 (blocking canonical reorderings), and that would have the
same grouping semantic as other double diacritics. This character
would be abstract (and invisible by itself) and could be something
For example to add an acute accent above the double breve joining the
two letters 'o', we would encode:
<006F, 035D, 006F, xyzt, 0301>
instead of just <006F, 035D, 006F, 0301> which is canonically
equivalent to <006F, 035D, 00F3> and which encodes the letter 'o' and
the letter 'o' with an acute accent (centered on this second o) joined
with the double breve *above* the acute accent of the second 'o'.
My opinion is that such double diacritic holder exists: it's ZWJ,
which could be safely used as the needed invisible base for additional
diacritics occuring on top (and centered) of a double diacritic. But
others may have other preferences about the choice of this character.
I don't know if ZWJ has been specified so that it could occur only
before a "defective" combining sequence containing only combining
diacritics. for this case, this would mean that the semantic of the
combining diacritics encoded after it must apply to the full part of
the extended grapheme cluster encoded before it.
This use of ZWJ effectively allows the interpretation of the encoded
sequence as if it was in TeX syntax:
\acute{ \breve{oo} }
Without the ZWJ, it would be interpreted as:
\breve{ o\acute{o} }
The double diacritics or just intended to be used between each base
grapheme clusters to join. And it could possibly be used to groop more
than 2 base grapheme, for example with 3 'o' as:
<006F, 035D, 006F, 035D, 006F>
interpreted in TeX syntax as: \breve{ooo}
But even with this case, you wont be able to encode with the ZWJ trick
in plain text, such groupings that are expressed this way in TeX:
\breve{ \breve{oo} x \breve{ o\acute{o} } }
Because double diacritics encoded in Unicode can't be safely stacked
together (for such application you'll need a rich-text layer on top of
Unicode, such as TeX here).
verdy_p ( wrote:
I just thought about a solution to allow stacking of double-diacritics: we could use variation selectors after them,
to specify a higher level of grouping.
So in the example above:
- "\breve{oo}" remains encoded as:
- "x" remains encoded as:
- "o \acute{o}" remains encoded as: followed by or
- "\breve{o \acute{o}}" remains encoded as:
And to stack a second level of breves, we could use between those three groups:
Even softwares ignoring how to create the layout would still consider this long sequence as an unbreakable extended
grapheme cluter. and its important relative ordering will be presrved by normalizations. Here also you'll be able to
add other single diacritics on top of the double breves...
This way, you may stack up to 256 additional levels of double diacritics in a structured layer that will be
preserved as a single extended grapheme cluster.
Softwares that don't know what to with the variation selectors will ignore them, and will treat all double breves
above as equal, so they will render something like this in TeX:
\breve{ oo x o \acute{o} }
in a single grouping (not so bad after all...)
BUT! Such variations sequences have NOT been allocated in the Unicode registry for this purpose. I think that such
application should use something else than variation selectors, that are intended to represent glyphic variants for
the individual double diacritics.
An I think that this could be done by allocating instead, in the special plane 15, a block for STACKING selectors
(or more generally GROUPING LEVELS), with exactly the same properties as variation selectors, except that they won't
require a prior registration for their use in association with double diacritics.
Such selectors could eventually be used to encode bidimensional structures like those used in Egyptian hieroglyphs,
and that already use the default horizontal layout and would require a single additional vertical stacking. For
- generates the TeX equivalent of: "\hiero{1} \hiero{2}" : this is the normal horizontal reading
- generates the TeX-like equivalent of: "\vstack{ \hiero{1} \hiero{2} }" : this is the
vertical stacking behavior, and needs a joiner-like character to preserve the unbreakable "extended grapheme
But when both horizontal and vertical layout are used, the direction of stacking in complex groupings must be
disambiguated, and would require two distinct characters. We could use ZWJ for grouping with horizontal layout
(within a larger vertically stacked compound), and ZWNJ for grouping with vertical layout. So we would encode here
for this second case.
Now if the structure is more complex, we'll need several levels of grouping, both for the horizontal and the
vertical joiners. Adding a GROUPING LEVEL (acting exactly like a variation selector), encoded just after ZWJ or ZWNJ
(using the special codepoint in plane 15, encoded as a combining character with combining class 0) would solve the
representation problem.
For example (HIERO1-HIERO2:HIERO3)-HIERO4:HIERO5 (usiong the WikiHiero notation), whose layout is similar to:
| HIERO1 | HIERO2 | |
+--------+--------+ HIERO4 |
| HIERO3 | |
| HIERO5 |
could be encoded as:
And it will still match the definition of extended grapheme clusters, while also fully preserving the semantic
composition and structure of the cluster :
* The absence of a grouping level selector means that the horizontal or vertical joiners are acting at level 0.
* Sequences encoded at the same grouping level using ZWJ separators are assuming the horizontal layout for
* Those encoded at the same grouping level with ZWNJ are assuming the vertical layout.
* ZWJ (horizontal layout) has as higher grouping priority than ZWNJ if they occur simultaneously at the same level.
If the grouping level selectors are not supported by the layout engine, it will just try to honor ZWJ and ZWNJ
(ignoring the specified grouping levels) as if it was only encoded as:
which is the actual encoding (in WikiHiero syntax) of (HIERO1-HIERO2:HIERO3-HIERO4:HIERO5)
| HIERO5 |
And if the vertical stacking is not supported by the layout engine, it will also ignore the ZWJ and ZWNJ, and so
will render the five hieoroglyphs linearily, ignoring in fact just only the vertical layers by drawing them in three
successive spans as:
Which is, for now, all that Unicode officially documents.
But the bad thing I don't like in such use of ZWNJ and ZWNJ, is that it is not intended for controlling the layout,
but instead to hint the presence or absence of ligatures. Are compound layouts such as those used in hieroglyphs to
be considered as special graphic ligatures ?
I think that they represent something much stronger than what ZWJ and ZWNJ represent. But there are precedents of
such strong semantic assignments to ZWJ and ZWNJ for Indic scripts. I don't think that what is already used to
control the semantics (and partially the graphic appearance) in Indic scripts (in a way specific to those scripts),
can't be also used here specifically for hieroglyphs that really need such strong semantics, even if they certainly
don't need other kinds of ligatures.
Adding the generic ZWJ, ZWNJ (optionnaly followed by the generic grouping level selectors) to the hieroglyphic
script will not alter the way it is already encoded. But at least it will be possible to preserve the hieroglyph
semantics in plain-text, without depending on an unspecified syntax.
So my dicussion here only proposes only one addition for encoding as new characters in Unicode:
- adding a new block of grouping selectors in the special plane 15. In my opinion, a single row of 16 grouping level
selectors (acting in additional to the implicit level 0) will be enough for all situations. They MUST have combining
class 0, and might be ignorable, just like variation selectors, except that they don't imply any glyph modification
for the characters that are encoded in the composite "default grapheme cluster". They must have a general category
of "zero-width" combining characters (probably Mo), and must be *optionally* ignorable in collations. They should
not format controls (in general category C) because they would be ignored in all cases in collations.
- the addition of 2 generic horizontal/vertical grouping may be discussed : can we override ZWJ and ZWNJ ? If not,
then ZWJ/ZWNJ + a grouping level may be also encoded as a single Unicode character, with the same general properties
as ZWJ and ZWNJ, all in the same allocated block in the special plane.
Only the vertical groupings will be used to stack vertically the double diacritics or to stack other diacritics on
top of a double diacritic.
This is left to discussions as several options are possible, before one can be implemented somewhere, tested, and
finally recommanded.
I'm not asking to add grouping selectors immediately, if existing variation selectors can safely be used on top of
ZWJ and ZWNJ, and if ZWJ/ZWNJ can be used in some scripts (like Egyptian hieroglyphs) to encode their semantic 2D
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