From: Peter Constable (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2010 - 00:01:22 CST
From: Doug Ewell []
>> Updates to any Windows component in a given version of Windows will
>> rarely add new functionality...
> I know this has been said before, but: I do wonder how many
> users depend on new, incremental functionality *not* being
> available, as a matter of stability or backward compatibility.
If you manage 50,000 (or 150,000) desktops in a business, you probably are very reluctant to accept any changes other than critical fixes (which you still spend time reviewing and testing on your own before you deploy to all those machines).
> If the goal is to get people to update to 7, it might be better
> PR to be honest and just say so.
I'm not in the habit of lying or being deceptive, Doug. I meant it when I said that updates to Windows do not usually include changes in functionality because of the associated risks and costs for many of our customers.
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