From: Neil Harris (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2011 - 15:13:34 CST
On 27/01/11 20:33, Joó Ádám wrote:
> David,
> They’re welcome to use the private use are for whatever purpose they
> want to. Doug was saying that there’s no point in directing them to
> the PUA to demonstrate their idea’s support in a significant user base
> since its very nature prevents them to be encoded in the standard the
> first place.
> It’s all about semantics: Unicode is a standard for encoding writing
> systems and associated symbolism. There’s is indeed a need to
> standardise encoding of a lot more type of data out there, however
> these must constitute the base of another standard. They are free to
> start.
Most of all, encouraging them to have a go at actually implementing
their idea inside the safe sandbox of the PUA is entirely harmless,
doesn't need to involve any further formal encoding proposals until
they've finally finished working their ideas out completely, and might
even be beneficial to someone, somewhere.
-- Neil
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