From: Mark Davis ☕ (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2011 - 13:01:01 CST
I agree with Asmus that probably the best choice for CSS in lieu of
language-specific information would be a "sentence-case", which modifies the
case of the 'first' character of the first word, but leaves the rest of the
word and the rest of text alone. What amounts to the 'first character of the
first word' needs a bit more discussion.
the Dodgers lose => the Dodgers lose
49ers win // leave alone
diSilva in finals => DiSilva in finals // not Disilva
l’histoire du Québec => l’histoire du Québec
*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 16:51, Asmus Freytag <> wrote:
> On 3/1/2011 4:28 PM, Shawn Steele wrote:
> I didn’t mean you were an English teacher, but my mother was J
> I meant that I’ve seen “title casing” being used by computer applications
> for CamelCasing (then remove the spaces). I’m not suggesting that’s right,
> but it’s clearly a different use case than “Titles of Books on”.
> For a CSS feature it needs to have some generic usability. The problem is
> that "uppercasing the first letter of every word without exception" does not
> have a strong use case - there are simply too few cases where you can use it
> - for example, you can not use in styling English titles or headings (nor in
> many other languages, there for other reasons, to wit: they don't use "title
> case" conventions at all).
> If you apply it to the first word only, you get sentence casing, which does
> have a reasonably widespread use case, and 99.x% of all sentences don't
> start with a word that needs exceptional "title" casing.
> That, to me would seem to be the best use case you can squeeze of this.
> A./
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