Re: Klingon interpreter needed for social work

From: Peter Edberg (
Date: Sat Jun 04 2011 - 10:53:23 CDT

  • Next message: Leo Broukhis: "Que ligature"

    On Jun 4, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Karl Williamson wrote:

    > I just found out about the information contained in the article linked to below. I wonder if people knew about this when it was decided to not encode Klingon:

    That article was probably based on a mistake. See about 2/3 of the way down in

    Klingon Interpreters Out Of Work After All
    PORTLAND, Oregon - Sorry, no Klingon interpreters needed, after all. The government agency that treats mental health patients in the Portland, Oregon, area had listed Klingon as one of 55 languages that clients might speak. Now, Multnomah County officials are taking back their call for Klingon interpreters. County Chair Diane Linn says the inclusion of the "Star Trek" language on the list was a mistake. Officials note that no mental patient had ever come in speaking only Klingon. And not a dime of public money was spent on Klingon interpretation.
    - Peter Edberg (Eugene, Oregon)

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