Unicode.org move nearing completion

From: Rick McGowan <rick_at_unicode.org>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 08:46:09 -0700

Hello Everyone,

As reported earlier this week, we have been moving to a new physical server.
As expected there have been some glitches. Mail service was out for most of
the day on Thursday. It is partially restored now, but we are still
experiencing some problems. We hope to have those ironed out by the end of
the day.

If you find any system services or pages that used to work but now do not
work, please let me know by writing directly to me, off-list.

We already know about two problems that we are working on:

1. Reverse DNS problem may prevent some people from receiving mail from us.

2. The "GetUnihanData" scripts are not working properly.

Received on Fri Jun 10 2011 - 10:48:06 CDT

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