Quick survey of Apple symbol fonts (in context of the Wingding/Webding proposal)

From: Karl Pentzlin <karl-pentzlin_at_acssoft.de>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:08:46 +0200

In WG2 N4085 "Further proposed additions to ISO/IEC 10646 and comments to other proposals" (2011‐
05‐25), the German NB had requested re WG2 N4022 "Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings
Symbols" besides other points:
  "Also, in doing this work, other fonts widespread on the computers of leading manufacturers (e.g.
  Apple) shall be included, thus avoiding the impression that Unicode or SC2/WG2 favor a single
In supporting this, there is now a quick survey of symbol fonts regularly delivered with computers
manufactured by Apple:

- Karl
Received on Fri Jul 15 2011 - 03:14:24 CDT

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