Hello everyone,
Have you ever thought you could design a great Unicode themed T-shirt?
We're putting out a call for T-shirt design ideas. But we must move
quickly -- the deadline is looming.
While you're enjoying your Labor Day barbecue (in the US) and doodling
on napkins, maybe you'll come up with a great design. Maybe you've
already thought of it.
Send us your ideas, and we will forward them to the graphic designer as
input for this year's conference T-shirt. You can send text, pictures of
hand drawings, full digital illustrations, etc.
The deadline is Monday night, US time. Just e-mail your entry directly
to me. I will collect them and forward to the designer next Tuesday.
And, while you're thinking about the October conference, please take a
look at the great line-up of talks we have this year:
Received on Fri Sep 02 2011 - 12:57:14 CDT
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