2011/9/30 <announcements_at_unicode.org>:
> An new version of UTR #45, U-Source Ideographs has been published.
> http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr45/tr45-5.html
Editorial problem in the last statement of first paragraph in section
2.1; the listed possible values are forgetting the described value E
for UTC's Extension E proposal.
2.1 The Status Field
The status field reflects the ideograph's current status. The value of
this field can change over time. The possible values are C, D, N, U,
V, W, and X; new values may be added in the future.
A status of C means that the ideograph is found in Extension C. The
Unicode field here indicates the character's code point.
A status of D means that the ideograph is found in Extension D. The
Unicode field here indicates the character's code point.
A status of E means that the ideograph has been submitted to the IRG
as part of the UTC's Extension E proposal.
What is the current status of this UTC's Extension E ?
- If it's still not validated, then the description of the field in
the last paragraph quoted below should not be there, but in a pending
update of this UTR.
- If it's approved, then the first paragraph should list E, and there
should not be any reference to a "proposal" in the paragraph
describing it.
-- Philippe.
Received on Sat Oct 01 2011 - 00:39:36 CDT
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