Re: Civil suit; ftp shutdown; mailing list shutdown

From: Martin J. Dürst <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 15:59:28 +0900

Unicode peolpe:

To follow this subject, I recommend to look through or subscribe to that mailing list at
In addition, please see

Regards, Martin.

On 2011/10/07 14:14, "Martin J. Dürst" wrote:
> [By accident, I sent this only to Ken first; he recommended I send it to
> both Unicode and Unicore.]
> I have sent a mail to a relevant IETF list (; the
> IETF was looking into taking this over, with
>, but
> apparently, Unicode got alerted first.
> In terms of practical matters, two points seem important to me:
> First, to ask the judge for a temporary permission (there's a better
> legal term, but IANAL) to keep the database up until the law suit is
> settled (because the database is probably down now due to a temporary
> order from the judge to that effect) because of its high practical
> importance.
> Second, what seems to be in dispute is data about old history. While
> this is important for some applications, in most applications, present
> and new data is much more important, so one way to avoid problems would
> be to publish only new data at some new place until the case is settled.
> That would mean that applications would have to be checked for whether
> they need the old data or not. Or to only publish diffs (which would be
> about new, present-day data not from the source under litigation).
> Regards, Martin.
> On 2011/10/07 4:45, Ken Lunde wrote:
>> Arle and others,
>> The URL for the following blog post was tweeted a few minutes ago:
>> -- Ken
>> On Oct 6, 2011, at 9:45 AM, Arle Lommel wrote:
>>> Is there any public information about the lawsuit? I was stunned to
>>> see the forwarded mail and want to understand the implications of
>>> this lawsuit, but I can't find any news about it other than Arthur’s
>>> rather telegraphic note. I understand that he may not be able to
>>> comment given pending litigation, but if we had any information at
>>> all about what the suit is, it might help clarify if there is any
>>> need for concern.
>>> -Arle
>>>> It would be nice, but I don't think the Consortium can do that
>>>> without first understanding if it gets exposed to its own lawsuit.
>>>> Eric.
Received on Fri Oct 07 2011 - 02:06:21 CDT

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