Re: Placement of Bengali Candrabindu

From: Shriramana Sharma <>
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 17:33:11 +0530

On Saturday 15 October 2011 11:07 AM, Peter Constable wrote:
> My copy of the Bangla Academy Bangla-English dictionary generally
> corroborates Radice, though there are some inconsistencies--cases in
> which the candrabindu appears over the aa sign, or (in a ya-phalaa
> cluster) over the ya-phalaa, or between the ya-phalaa and aa sign.
> (See attached scans.) But these are less frequent: in most cases, it
> goes over the main consonant.

Peter, I agree that there are many variegated representations. But my
gut feeling as a native user of many other Indic scripts and one who has
to use the candrabindu a lot due to Sanskrit, is that it should be
positioned above the RHS vowel sign if any, else centered over the cluster.

Such a placement would seem natural to the reader as it follows the
association of the nasality with the vowel.

Shriramana Sharma
Received on Sat Oct 15 2011 - 07:11:26 CDT

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