In the PRI 205 forum - - I have posted a draft summary of feedback on Level Direction Mark received to date originally on the PRI 205 page (, this feedback moved to the forum) and subsequently in this discussion thread. I have also posted a complete compilation of all of those discussions, as well as a summary of discussion on AL MARK.
If you have feedback on the summaries, please post it to the forum (as concisely as possible) before Monday Oct 24, 2:00 PM California time (Pacific Daylight TIme, UTC-0700). At that time I will update the summaries as necessary, and then later that day post them as accumulated feedback on the PRI page for any final discussion before the UTC meeting.
Only feedback posted to the forum will be considered in updating those summaries.
Peter Edberg
Received on Sat Oct 22 2011 - 02:28:56 CDT
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