The CLDR online tools include a footer that suggests finding Unicode
fonts for Ancient scripts from a web site ( which
is no longer available. Now it redirects to a parking page without
There's an archive of this page in the Google Cache, which shows that
the site is not just temporarily unavailable, but that it has been
closed indefinitely:
Can the online CLDR tools (referenced not just by the CLDR project
documentation and examples, but as well in some technical references
of the Unicode standard) suppress this link "Unicode Fonts for Ancient
Scripts" appearing at the bottom of pages (for example, or suggest another good
site guide for available fonts for old/rare scripts, if possible not
commercial (i.e. not a foundry site directly selling their own fonts)
For example I can propose "Gallery of Unicode Fonts" on the WAZU JAPAN
site ( as a complement to the existing "Large,
multi-script Unicode fonts for Windows computers" on the Alan Wood's
Unicode Reference site ( :
this would be the second largest online database with good contents
and neutral to font vendors, that we should better reference and keep
now, for the eventual case where the WAZU page would ever disappear
(We should better to have a second one available now if the only
working one that remains ever has problems).
-- Philippe.
Received on Wed Nov 09 2011 - 20:08:19 CST
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