On 10 Nov 2011, at 04:14, delex r wrote:
> I am an Indian. Are you too?
That's nice and irrelevant.
> They should know that “Assamese” language is not written in “Bengali” script.” It is actually the other way round.
Why? Who cares? These are *words*. Get over it.
In my native language, there is a language called Assamese, and another language called Bengali. Both of these are written in a script which in my native language has been called Bengali for a very, very long time. I think it is really very impolite of you to complain about what my native language calls things.
> Well I am trying to tell Unicode that “Assamese” is not a barbarian language without a script.
No. It is a noble and beautiful language with literature and poetry. And it is written in a script which in my native language is called Bengali.
English too is a noble and beautiful language with literature and poetry. And it is written in a script which in my native language is called Latin.
And I don't complain about it.
Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
Received on Thu Nov 10 2011 - 14:44:21 CST
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