If you use the same underlying text code, you could still differentiate
languages by fonts. It is a different way of looking at the problem. This
is true in the case of transliterated Indic. I haven't given thought as to
how that could be implemented with BIDI. When you compare benefits Indic
would obtain through transliteration against having their own code sets,
you see that living in the SBCS has clear advantages over DBCS. I have
done, tested and proven it.In simple terms it reduces your dependency.
As for making money, some people are better placed to make money and
produce things for the main reason of making money. Others might spend
effort and their own money knowing they have no good chance of making
money, but their work benefits other people or helps them extricate them
from a bad situation that they have fallen into.
Making solutions should not solely for making solutions for getting rich.
We only need to look around to see what such selfish action has done.
According to marketing strategy, if you can create a need so you can craft
the solution. Look at TV commercials.
Thank you.
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 10:18 AM, CE Whitehead <cewcathar_at_hotmail.com>wrote:
> Hi.
> From: Naena Guru <naenaguru_at_gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 09:30:40 -0600
> > Unicode was created for a commercial reason, particularly for the
> benefit
> > of its directors.
> I expect that it benefits more than just its directors (I don't expect
> anyone to act completely pro-bono; people have to get something out of what
> they do; sorry for commenting on this).
> > The idea of Plain Text is not anything practical but was
> > used as a means of attracting supporters, who for the most part hadn't
> had
> > any experience with computers.
> I do believe that plain text is used in input forms, and the bidi
> algorithm at least becomes quite important here. (Someone correct me if
> this is in error.)
> > . . .
> Best,
> --C. E. Whitehead
> cewcathar_at_hotmail.com
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