Re: New extension for transformed languages

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 05:15:43 +0100

Use variant subtags. Some of them are already registered in the IANA
database (and supported in the CLDR).

However I'm not sure that there are enough precision between the Rovas
variants. Check the descriptions in the IANA database.

Note: are there really transformations ? Or other orthographic and
grammatical variants (such as word endings, or some mutations of
consonnants) ? I think that the "t" extension is meant to be produced
by some algorithmic process (even if there are exceptions listed to
complement the rules). If there are no specifiable rules (or they are
too complex), then these are dialectal variants for which the "t"
extension is not very suitable, and registering a variant for those
dialects may be more helpful. I don't think the "t" extension is meant
to indicate a transformation occuring within the same (language
subtag, script subtag, region subtag) : just specify the other
variant subtag.

Le 5 mars 2012 04:33, Dr. Hosszu Gabor <> a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
> Currently, there are three different writing systems, in which the Hungarian
> can be written. How can we denote the transformation from the text written
> in the most common Latin characters to the Hungarian text written in
> Szekely-Hungarian Rovas or to also Hungarian text written in Carpathian
> Basin Rovas?
> Üdvözlettel / Best regards,
> Gabe
> Dr. Gabor Hosszu, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
> Dept. of Electron Devices, BME
Received on Sun Mar 04 2012 - 22:23:35 CST

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