Le 6 mars 2012 18:30, Andreas Prilop <prilop4321_at_trashmail.net> a écrit :
> Quoting upside-down, Philippe Verdy wrote:
>> It would help if you created such documents using numeric character
>> references in your source for all invisible characters and format
>> controls instead of inserting them litterally.
> Monsieur Perdu:
> Everybody except you understands that I have done this
> for all non-ASCII characters and that
> http://www.unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/y2012-m03/att-0011/zwj.html
> is just US-ASCII.
You did it after my mail... On your site, but not in the attachment received.
Initially the source I got was completely encoded in my browser. Yes I
had to save the attachment to use an external tool to inspect it. But
may be it was Gmail, or an intermediate mail agent, that reencoded it
to UTF-8 instead of character refefences, if the attachment was sent
as plain text.
I was not "PERDU" (French for LOST) ... This was just a loss of time
to do it, and to clean up the temporary storage after that.
Received on Wed Mar 07 2012 - 22:31:41 CST
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