Re: Characters LAM and ALIF together (ligature) in Arabic

From: Pierpaolo Bernardi <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 18:32:24 +0200

2012/3/26 Escape Landsome <>:
> Hello
> I'm not quite sure this has something to do with Unicode (rather than
> HTML, for instance), but I keep asking the question :
> In Arabic, when writing a LAM followed by an ALIF, you have a special
> ligature of the two letters
> On the arab sites I consult, I see that :   لَا
> The problem is by now (in my mailer) it appears as (the ligature) +
> ALIF, which is incorrect
> On the website, it appears as (plain LAM) + (plain ALIF), which is incorrect too

What mailer? what browser? what OS?
Received on Mon Mar 26 2012 - 11:37:19 CDT

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