Character Identity of the Turkish Lira Sign (was: Re: Unicode 6.2 to Support the Turkish Lira Sign)

From: Karl Pentzlin <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 22:50:07 +0200

Am Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012 um 04:48 schrieb Shriramana Sharma:

SS> Any reason why the glyph of the current existing character 20A4 ₤ LIRA
SS> SIGN could not have been changed instead?

Even if it is given that the design of the glyph for the Turkish Lira
sign presented ii is
derived from the traditional pound sign (U+00A3 / U+20A4), it is not
simply a glyph variant of the pound sign. The pound sign has a bow
above, and its base is essentially horizontal, swung in almost all
glyph variations. The Turkish Lira sign essentially has a vertical stem
which is terminated at the top, and a base which is upturned to the
The difference between the Pound sign and the Turkish Lira sign is by
far more prominent than between the Latin capital letters U and V,
which are (correctly) separately encoded although they in fact
originated as glyph variants of the same Roman letter.

Moreover, I do not take it granted that the Turkish Lira sign is a
glyph variant of the Pound sign by design.

It is a common feature of recently designed currency symbols to be
based on a letter (or, as the Indian Rupee sign, on a blending of
letters), on which a single or (mostly) double stroke is applied.

Looking at the finalist entries on the design competition , 12th entry by "serdar"
5 designs are based on a TL ligature (obviously for "Türk Lirası",
i.e. Turkish for "Turkish Lira"), and two designs are based on a L with
stroke. One of these two (middle of the lower line) simply shows a
capital Latin L with a curved stroke, the other one is the winning
entry with its original horizontal two strokes.

This leads me to the suspicion that even the winning entry is simply
a L with two horizontal strokes (thus being a glyph variant of U+2C60
LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH DOUBLE BAR), with the right upturn of the
base – as you can only win such a competition if you show at least some
creativity and fanciness, rather than entering a straightforward
design like a plain with the "usual currency bar" (i.e. double bar),
in analogy to e.g. ₦ U+20A6 NAIRA SIGN (simply a Latin N with double

In fact, only the designer knows.

- Karl
Received on Wed May 23 2012 - 15:52:56 CDT

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