On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Michael Everson <everson_at_evertype.com> wrote:
> That is only because when Sinhala was being encoded, the Sri Lanka NB insisted on using names which are not useful to anyone but speakers of Sinhala.
Hey whatever, when possible to cater to the natives we can also be
liberal with something that is not technically inadvisable or
unfeasible, no?
And you will certainly agree that a non-native cannot immediately know
what is the significance of the Indic character names DA vs DDA (vs
DDDA or DDDDA), SSA, RRA, NNA, NNNA, LLA, LLLA and so on! :-) So there
is some effort always needed to get the significance of character
names (except those that are in English). I myself don't understand
all those Cyrillic and rare Latin character names like EZH BUZH etc!
-- Shriramana SharmaReceived on Sun Jul 08 2012 - 07:05:11 CDT
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