I see UTF-8 files in the txt folder, and decidedly non-empty files in
the psd folder. Perhaps your download was corrupted. I'd try again.
-- Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA http://www.ewellic.org | @DougEwell  -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: FarPaHC 0.1. From: Andreas_Stötzner <as_at_signographie.de> Date: Fri, August 03, 2012 11:25 am To: unicode Unicode Discussion <unicode_at_unicode.org> Am 03.08.2012 um 18:29 schrieb Anton Karl Ingason: We are very pleased to announce that version 0.1 of the Faroese Parsed Historical Corpus is now available for free download. The corpus can be downloaded from: http://linguist.is/farpahc/ In the txt files I see that sort of text: VS:I_19M Men J√≥sef , Ma√∞ur hennara , t√≠at hann var r√¶ttiligur , og ikki vildi skemma hana fyri √∂llum , √¶tla√∞i lj√≥√∞liga at skilja seg fr√° henni . 1823.NTMATT.REL-BIB,.47 VS:I_20M Men , me√∞an hann hugsa√∞i um ta√∞ , s√≠t√° obinbera√∞ist Harrans Eingil fyri honum √≠Dreymi , 1823.NTMATT.REL-BIB,.48 og seg√∞i : J√≥sef , D√°va Sonur , f√≠rast ikki fyri at taka vi√∞ Mar√≠u H√∫str√∫ t√≠ni ; t√≠ta√∞ , i√∞ er alva√∞ √≠henni , er av Halgan Anda . The .tagged files don’t open on a Mac. The psd files were empty. Is all this intentional, or do I have the wrong environment to learn more about? Best, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Andreas Stötzner. _____________________________________________________________________ Andreas Stötzner Gestaltung Signographie Fontentwicklung Wilhelm-Plesse-Straße 32, 04157 Leipzig 0152-08336058Received on Fri Aug 03 2012 - 12:47:02 CDT
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