Otto Stolz, Mon, 13 Aug 2012 22:14:17 +0200:
> am 2012-08-13 20:48, schrieb Leif Halvard Silli:
>> Norwegian 'rute' may refer to a cell in a (data) table or in a square
>> board for chess. Such a 'rute' is of course a square. Perhaps German
>> 'Raute' has a similar possibility of being interpreted as square?
> In German, »Raute« is a synonym of »Rhombus«, i. e.
> an equilateral quadrilateral. Hence, every »Raute«
> is a »Quadrat« (square), but not vice versa.
> (A square has also four equal angels.)
> Rhombuses are often depicted resting on a vertex,
> whilst squares are usually depicted resting on an edge.
> But the orientation of a geometrical shape really does
> not change its geometric features, nor its name.
Thanks. If I ever learned that a rhombus could be a quadrat, then I had
forgotten it. Conclusion: Another reason to not be too categorical
about how irrelevant 'Raute' as name for the '#' might be.
-- Leif Halvard SilliReceived on Mon Aug 13 2012 - 16:39:43 CDT
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