Den 2012-08-13 22:14, skrev "Otto Stolz" <Otto.Stolz_at_uni-konstanz.de>:
> Hence, every »Raute«
> is a »Quadrat« (square), but not vice versa.
Am 2012-08-13 23:37, schrieb Kent Karlsson:
> I think you got this backwards...
Am 2012-08-14 0:46, schrieb Markus Scherer:
> The other way around, right?
> Every »Quadrat« (square, has right angles) is also a »Rhombus«
> (equilateral, but not necessarily right angles).
Of course. I have written this, late in the evening, you know.
Best wishes,
Received on Tue Aug 14 2012 - 09:03:26 CDT
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