It is also at least logically possible for there to be transliterations
from Semitic writing systems to non-Roman writing systems. I'm not aware of
such a thing, but one can imagine, for example, Russian work using a
Cyrillic-based transliteration. Even if such things are not in scholarly
use, I bet they are used in phrase books for travelers and that sort of
thing. I have used Japanese tourist guides and phrase books that
transliterate foreign languages into kana.
On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Stephan Stiller
> I assume you mean "Romanization," when you say "transliteration."
>> Well, isn't "Romanization" a special case of "transliteration"?
> Sometimes a transliteration-transcription distinction is made, raising the
> question of whether "transcription" is a hypernym of "transliteration" and
> "non-transliterating 'transcription'" (perhaps Wiki will help sort out
> usage some day, like it so often does). In any case, if this distinction is
> made, a romanization is not necessarily a transliteration (in the sense of
> there being a 1-to-1 mapping between word forms in the two scripts). And if
> this distinction is not made, people are likely to use the word
> "transcription" instead, is my impression.
> Stephan
Received on Wed Sep 05 2012 - 17:18:46 CDT
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