I forgot to say that HTML provides a standard element for this:
<abbr>mu rho</abbr>, where you can add the implied semantic of the
full abbreviation in an attribute (in a separate plain-text stream),
including the possible substitution rule for an alternate rendering
symbol (as an image, or SVG glyph also encodableseparately in the
document itself and represented in another attribute by a linking
2012/10/30 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p_at_wanadoo.fr>:
> If you has to represent this in a rich text (visual only) format like
> HTML, this could still be represented using <span
> style="display:none">...</span>, preserving the semantic (instead of a
> style attribute, you could as well define a class, or you could have
> your own document-specic element to represent the implied element).
Received on Mon Oct 29 2012 - 18:40:38 CDT
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