Re: SignWriting

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:06:33 +0200

Your comlement is useful. Thanks. I just focused very superficially on the
meaning of calligraphy as an art, because for the rest of the details I was
not trained enough on the subject.

2013/4/22 Steffen Daode <>

> Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
> |Plus an extra knowledge masterized by experts, perceived as artists. This
> |art is called calligraphy, and calligraphy exists for all writing
> systems.
> |It is particluarly developed as an art by writers of Chinese and Arabic.
> It
> |was more important in the past for the Latin/Cyrillic/Greek alphabetic
> |family of script but it has not completely disappeared and it is still
> used
> |for the production of corporate logos, advertizing, and identifiation of
> |products and trademarks, so I would not say that calligraphy is dead in
> the
> |alphabetic script. Calligraphy is still considered bery important in
> Indic
> |abugidas as well (notably for transcriptions of religious texts, e.g. in
> |the Tibetan script)
> In my superficial and unaware understanding Chinese calligraphy
> has always existed as another form of meditation and a way to
> transport personal and philosophical experiences, and there seems
> to be a special kind of „painting“ with a divided pictorial
> representation of an emphatic impression (of the artist), in a
> form of calligraphy bundled with a painted image; e.g., a
> parchment with a tree on the left side, and calligraphy on the
> right.
> I don't think this can be compared to what the western world knows
> as „calligraphie“, e.g., in Germany elementary school kids become
> graded for the prettiness of their handwriting. But it is surely
> also a matter of whether the calligrapher walks on four, two or
> three legs. Still, there surely is a philosophical difference.
> I do agree with you that this is a great pity, however.
> --steffen
Received on Mon Apr 22 2013 - 07:09:18 CDT

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