On 14/09/2013 6:42, Michael Everson wrote:
> On 14 Sep 2013, at 02:30, Stephan Stiller <stephan.stiller_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This means that this dot will then need to be followed by two spaces when it is used as a sentence-ending period.
>> This tradition is no longer current in the US. Though it's obvious there are still plenty of middle and high school–level teachers and college-level writing instructors teaching this in the US, not knowing that books and periodicals in the US haven't been using two spaces after a sentence-final period for a long time.
> Books never used it. The tradition in typing was developed to assist typesetters to navigate the typewritten text they were setting. The typesetters never put two spaces after a full stop.
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
See http://www.heracliteanriver.com/?p=324 which claims with numerous
examples that Michael Everson is totally wrong.
Jim Alllan
Received on Sat Sep 14 2013 - 13:14:18 CDT
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