Dear Robert,
As Mark has answered, there is no need nor justification to add pre-composed letters to Unicode, neither for Hebrew nor for any other language.
Additionally, could you please use the Unicode agreed names in future communications, rather than private inventions. It makes communication easier. See
Best regards,
Jonathan (Jony) Rosenne
From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Wheelock
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:38 PM
Subject: RE: More additional Greek (and Hebrew) characters needed for proposal
Hello again, y’all!
I’ve got quite a few characters (currently missing) that DO need proposal for inclusion! I typed up a document (for the new Fontboard polytonic Greek/Coptic keyboard layouts) that list the Unicode hexidecimal numerical values for the polytonic/monotonic Greek precomposed characters, and found out that (at least) 17 vowel/accent combos are still missing:
H-C IOTA and UPSILON with both DIALYTIKA and ACCENTS (8 precomposed characters)
H-C ALPHA, ĒTA, and ŌMEGA with both PROSGEGRAMMENĒ and ACCENTS (9 precomposed characters).
Besides those, there’re accented consonants that also need encoding—ZĒTA and SIGMA with DIALYTIKA (H-C/L-C), GAMMA with TILDAS, GAMMA; KAPPA; and KHI with OVERDOT, KAPPA; PI; TAU with TILDAS, LAMBDA; MU; NU with both PSILI and DASEIA, LAMBDA; MU; NU; and RHŌ with UNDERRING, ... .
As far as Hebrew is concerned, we NEED these new characters encoded:
WAW with a TRUE SHURUQ (the inner dot positioned a bit higher than a DAGHESH or a MAPPIQ)
The same (above mentioned) WAW-TRUE SHURUQ with a DAGHESH added
WAW with both a ḪOLAM atop and a DAGHESH inside
Doubly-pointed SHIN letters—a plain one + one with a DAGHESH added
MEM SOFITH with a right-positioned ḪIRIQ
ḪAṬAFOTH vowel points—each with SILLUQ/METHEGH interjected within
KHAF SOFITH and FEʾ SOFITH with RAFEH (especially for Yiddish)
CHIMEL; ĹAMEDH; and ÑUN with VARIQAʾ (especially for Ladino)
BENT LAMEDH—plain, with ḪOLAM, with DAGHESH, and with both DAGHESH + ḪOLAM
YUDH-WAW ligature
GALGAL HAFUKH accent (especially for Yiddish)
GIMEL; DALETH; ZAYIN; ṬETH; LAMEDH; NUN; SAMEKH; ʿAYIN; and REʾSH with GALGAL HAFUKH (for Yiddish palatal consonanats and the /e/ vowel sound)
An assortment of letters with top dot configurations—single, double horizontal, triple up-triangular, and quadruple squared—for the typography required for miscellaneous Jewish languages, as these top-dotted letters are intended to imitate the ʾIJAM dots in the corresponding Arabic letters
The Palestinian, Babylonian, and Yemenite systems of vowel pointing and cantillation.
Please find the .PDF document on the polytonic Greek character codepoint listings; I’ll need to finish—and publish—a similar publication for Hebrew characters. Thank You!
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