On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:14:33 +0700
Sittipon Simasanti <sittipon_at_x10studio.com> wrote:
> Normal KO KAI and KO KAI with black dot to make KO KAI non-aspirated.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/824603/unicode/glyph.png
> Thai consonants with Black dot for non-aspirated and White dot for
> aspirated.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/824603/unicode/glyph2.png
Those descriptions confused me - the black dot means 'voiced and not
aspirated', and the white dot means 'voiced and aspirated'.
> These are all the characters we need beside the normal Thai
> characters. Is it possible for us to submit/add these new characters
> to unicode once everything is in place? If it is possible, should we
> separate them into a new symbol for black dot and white dot, or
> simply call KO KAI with black dot as a new character? We are open to
> suggestions.
If your scheme has sufficient success, each combination of base letter
and diacritic may well be encoded as a separate letter because the
position of the diacritic is not obvious. I presume we're looking at no
more than about 12 new characters - DO CHADA WITH BLACK DOT is an
obvious competitor to THO NANGMONTHO WITH BLACK DOT.
I'm disappointed you found that simply adding a black dot for the
voiced consonants didn't work. If it had worked, then we might
have argued that this was just a font variation.
Unicode mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 27 2014 - 13:37:52 CDT
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