ZWNJ is not supposed to join or disjoin combing diacritics from a base
letter (even if it has such limited use in Indic scripts, but only between
letters to prevent clusters with subjoined letters),
CGJ would be better used to prevent canonical compositions but it won't
normally give a distinctive semantic.
It looks like you have a case where you would need to encode a variant of
the base letter и (with a variant selector). The rendering may be still
fuzzy as there's no such variant registered for that CYRILIC LETTER I.
Probably, given that you have fonts making a specific contrast for и +
U+306, adding a CGJ in the middle would do the trick if it is only to
prevent the canonically equivalent composition which could occur in many
2014-07-02 18:11 GMT+02:00 Leo Broukhis <>:
> Here
> is an example of й and и + U+0306 COMBINING BREVE used contrastively (/j/
> vs short /i/) thanks to a difference in typographic style of Cyrillic breve
> (kratka) and regular breve.
> For me in Win7 using и + U+0306 results in a contrast, but given that и +
> U+0306 is a canonical decomposition of й and a renderer is allowed, if not
> encouraged, to use the glyph for й every time it sees и + U+0306, what is
> the right (portable) way to do that? Would и + ZWNJ + U+0306 work? Should
> it?
> I'd like to reply to
> Thanks,
> Leo
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